TIER 2: Stereo Mastering

TIER 2: Stereo Mastering


You’ve put hours into mixing down your record but it still doesn’t stack up to the competition. Often a stereo master is all it needs to take it from being good to being great. We’ll address tonal balance, dynamics and make sure it is ready for delivery to DSPs like Spotify and Apple Music.

*Package includes 1 hour of work on your track. Additional time will be billed pro-rata via PayPal at an hourly rate of $175.

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If ordering a Stereo Master or Stem Mix & Master, please read below;

Requirements for Stereo Master

First, render/bounce your track as a 16 or 24 bit .wav file with any master buss processing left on. This will serve as a “reference” mix for us to compare to while working on your new master. It gives us a better idea of what you are aiming for sonically and should help us get your mix they way you like it quicker.

Now for the Pre-Master, remove any master buss processing that has been added solely in the interest of Loudness. This includes aggressive compression, limiting, and saturation/clipping. EQ or gentle compression that is critical to the sound you have achieved in your current mix may be left on. Ensure that your mix doesn’t clip or peak over 0 dB and, if it does, reduce the gain to a suitable level before rending to a 24 bit .wav file. If you have multiple versions, you would like mastered (such as an extended or instrumental mix) repeat the process until you have all pre-masters ready for delivery.

Requirements for Stem Mix/Master

First, render/bounce your track as a 16 or 24 bit .wav file with any master buss processing left on. This will serve as a “reference” mix for us to compare to while working on your new master. It gives us a better idea of what you are aiming for sonically and should help us get your mix they way you like it quicker.

Now for the stems, remove any master buss processing that has been added solely in the interest of Loudness. This includes aggressive compression, limiting, and saturation/clipping. Multi-band compression should be removed as well. EQ or gentle compression that is critical to the sound you have achieved in your current mix may be left on.

Solo the track(s) for whatever group you would like to render. For example, if you are creating your “Drum” stem this may include snare/clap, hi-hat, loops, etc. If any of these elements are being bussed together and processed, leave that processing on. Render/bounce the stem as a 24 bit stereo .wav file and title it “SongName_Drums”. Repeat this process for all stems.

If an element has effects such as reverb or delay that are being sent to a bus, those effects should be printed to the main stem. A “Reverb” or “Delay” stem is not useful as it will likely contain many elements from different stems.

Most tracks can be condensed down to 6 basics stems: Kick, Drums, Bass, Synths/Music, Vocals, and SFX. However, it can be helpful in some instances to further breakout your stems if you are unhappy with the current balance and wish to provide more flexibility. Some examples of this would be multiple “synth” stems for chords/sustained synths and a lead synth.

Once you have run all stems for you track, open a new session in your DAW and import all stems. Give your track a listen to make sure you haven’t left anything out and that your mix sounds generally as you would expect it to. You will likely find your mix will peak over 0 dB as you no longer have compression/limiting to limit peaks and that is okay.

Once you have checked that all the above procedures have been followed, please place your files in a folder titled “SongName_Stems_xxxBPM” and compress it to a .zip for delivery.